Liability and Force Majeure:
GlobeImmo cannot be held liable in the event of non-execution or poor execution of the order due, either because of the Advertiser, or a case of force majeure.
Modification of the T&Cs:
These T&Cs are applicable from February 2, 2022. GlobeImmo reserves the right, at any time, to modify all or part of the GCS. Advertisers are invited to regularly consult the T&Cs in order to be aware of the changes made.
Any processing of personal data hereunder is subject to the provisions of our privacy policy, which forms an integral part of these T&Cs. If part of the T&Cs should prove to be illegal, invalid or inapplicable, for any reason whatsoever, the provisions in question would be deemed unwritten, without calling into question the validity of the other provisions which will continue to apply between the Advertisers and GlobeImmo, unless it was an impulsive and decisive clause that led one of the Parties to subscribe to the Paying Option. Any complaint must be addressed to GlobeImmo Customer Service. Users are informed of the "Bloctel" cold calling opposition list on which they can register: The T&Cs are subject to French law.